This is the only “don’t do anything and lose weight” method that will ACTUALLY work for you! Holding all other factors equal(exercise, diet, etc.) this powerful secret will help you burn as much as 600 extra calories everyday! You NEED TO READ THIS ARTICLE!
Do I have you intrigued? Here’s the secret…
Standing desk. Standing allows you to burn FIVE TIMES more calories than sitting. According to you burn 50 more calories on average standing than you do sitting. If you’re a hardcore gamer you probably spend at least six hours a day at your computer. Burning 50 extra calories per hour at six hours a day equals 300 calories a day, 9300 calories a month, and 111,600 calories a year. Each pound of fat contains 3500 calories, so you’re burning the equivalent of 31 pounds each year simply by replacing six hours of sitting with six hours of standing.
I stand for 12+ hours a day now working on and gaming. That’s an extra 600 calories burned per day or 62 pounds per year.
Standing Desks will make you a better gamer
Standing increases the level of blood flow in your body thus making you more alert and focused. This will help you be more productive if you’re working and more focused while gaming!
But the benefits don’t stop there!
Standing desks dramatically reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, diabetes.
From my own experience my standing desk has completely eliminated chronic lower back pain.
Where to buy standing desks:
I recommend this drafting table. It’s what I use(you can see it in the video). It’s extremely stable, built out of study materials, has a large surface area, extremely adjustable(I’m 6’1″ and it’s high enough for me). The best part is that it’s way cheaper than most commercial standing desks. Standing computer desks can run as much as $1500. This drafting table is only $280. Link to the table on Amazon. The links are affiliate links, so if you buy from that link I get a small percentage of the sale. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and helps support what I’m doing here at The Healthy Gamer.
Here are some really cool DIY standing desks if you’re on a budget:
If you want to be really fancy and have your monitors mounted on swivel arms I highly recommend this Ergotron system. I would advise against getting anything besides Ergotron to mount your monitors on. I did quite a bit of research when purchasing my own standing desk and Ergotron is by far the industry leader in quality swivel arm monitor mounts. Other cheaper products have a lot of negative reviews of breaking after a few months use.
Awesome Infographic about The Health Risks of Sitting
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Again I cannot tell you how much I recommend transitioning from sitting at your computer to standing. A $300 investment can help add years onto your life, save you from myriad of diseases, help you look better, feel better, and game better. How can you afford not to get a standing desk?