The “Good Karma” initiative is exactly what it sounds like. Helping players help each other to build a stronger community and generate lots of good karma.
How does it work?
If you have something to give away, start a thread in the “Good Karma” subforum, here
Thread format should look like this:
Title: Description of the item + Server “Gloves, +7% crit, +30% crit dmg – Americas
Post: Picture of the item(or just posting the stats is fine)
To receive an item:
To receive an item simply post in the thread asking for it, and it’s up to the OP to give it away. I recommend using a random number generator to keep things as fair as possible. Use…no_custom.html enter your lower and upper limits as the number of posts in the thread. For example a thread with 9 posts you would enter 2 as the lower limit and 9 as the upper limit(because post 1 is the original post), and the random number it generates(say 7) will be who you give it away to, so you’d give it to whoever was post number 7.
If you like, post some inspirational quotes along with your threads/posts, that way people can get inspired as they search for cool upgrades
To post pictures
To post pictures go to
Upload the screenshot of your item
Then right click on the picture once it’s uploaded, click “copy image url”, and paste that url into the text box. Wrap the shortcode [img] [/img] around the picture URL. So it should look like this… [img][/img]
This thread is all about spreading good karma and helping out your fellow Diablo 3 players. The idea here is that we keep 1-2 pieces of gear each week and give them away to other members of the community rather than selling them on the auction house.
Here’s a study that shows people who practice small acts of kindness have overall more well-being, happiness, and positive feelings.
More than 700 people took part in a study which charted the effects of being nice to others, in small doses, over the course of a week. Researchers asked participants to act compassionately towards someone for 5-15 minutes a day, by actively helping or interacting with them in a supportive and considerate manner. Six months later, participants reported increased happiness and self-esteem.Participants’ levels of depression, happiness, and self-esteem were assessed at the study’s onset, and at four subsequent points over the following six months; those in the compassionate condition reported significantly greater increases in self-esteem and happiness at six months compared to those in the control group.…al-well-being/
So help yourself by helping others!
I am trusting everyone to not abuse the system. Please give as you receive.